e 3184 USA: Retail: I am interested in purchasing granite tiles for a new construction. I would require the following two types granite tiles for floor covering: BIANCO ROMANO AND TUMKUR PORPHERY
I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Please tell me if you ship abroad and how much would be the charge for
shipping tiles measuring 12 inch by 12 inch, with thickness of about 3/8th of inch (USA standard tile) for floor tiles. I am thinking that my total would be about 2000 square feet. I am interested in Bianco Romano as well as Tumkur Porphery. I may also consider other types of granite tiles. But for now, these are the main two colors that I will be needing for my new house. 
If you do not mind, please give me an estimate in US Dollars, the price of these granite tiles per given square foot. Also for an order of the magnitude of 2000 square feet roughly would there be any discounts? How much would the total shipping costs? 
Turkum Porphery is mostly reddish with streaks of black grains going through it. I need about 1800 square feet of Bianco Romano and about 200 Square feet of Tumkur Porphery. If you have free samples to mail me, I would also appreciate it. The samples needed of course would be the above two granite types. Please email me your response. Also my final address for shipping will be different. That will be my new house in Las Vegas. But the above address can be used for any correspondence.
ALSO do you have MEDALLIONS that measure from 30 to 40 inches in diameter? June 14. Contact
offer 2: We have Absolute Black & Galaxy Black/Bronzetto granite tiles of 12"x12"x10mm & 18"x18"x12mm size in New Jersey. We can ship it to you right away.

Price List:

Granite Tiles from India


   Prices per sq. ft. in US$

Sr. No.



For Qty. less than 1 crate

For Qty. of

1 crate


Absolute Black





Galaxy Black / Bronzetto





Absolute Black





Galaxy Black / Bronzetto




offer 1: Select from www.findstone.com/tosell.htm and  www.findstone.com/pricelists.htm and www.findstone.com/readystock.htm and www.findstone.com/matph.htm