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Pricelist 898  granite tiles     India     www.findstone.com      pricelists@findstone.com

One Side Polished Granite Tiles with Callibrated in 1cm Th

50% Advance TT  , 50%  Sight L.C.,    FOB Chennai Port

                                        Rate per M2 in US$            Rate per M2 in US$
                                            30x30x1cm                        60x30x1cm

1. Black Stone                            22.00                                22.00
2. Udaipur Green Marble               18.00                                18.00
3. Orrisa Green                            25.00                                25.00
4. White Grey                              22.00                                22.00
5. Tan Brown                               23.00                                23.00

in one container 750m2 quantity in 20' container

For useful data such as Metric Conversions, Quantity per Container, Explanation of Terms, etc., see Commercial Trade Information and Terms

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